Avalon and the Jersey Shore are home to a wide variety of dining options including fine dining, lobster houses, and family fare.
Concord Café
This friendly family tavern is on-site at the Concord with award winning pizza, salads and entrees, and is open for lunch and dinner.
Our staff can also guide you to nearby restaurants in Avalon and Stone Harbor, and make suggestions for other areas including Sea Isle and Cape May.

More area dining suggestions:
Avalon and Stone Harbor:
Concord Café | 609-368-5505 |
Avalon Seafood | 609-967-7555 |
Café Loren | 609-967-8228 |
Green Cuisine | 609-368-1616 |
Rock’n’ Chair | 609-967-3300 |
Spiaggia Seafood Trattoria | 609-368-9400 |
The Sea Grill | 609-967-5511 |
Sylvester’s Seafood | 609-967-7533 |
Tortilla Flats | 609-967-5658 |
Via Mare | 609-368-4494 |
Cape May & the immediate vicinity:
Elaine’s Dinner Theater | 609-884-1199 |
Lobster House | 609-884-8826 |
Peter Shields | 800-355-6565 |
Washington Inn | 609-884-5697 |